
Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada (1st Edition) Perry TEST BANK

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Test Bank for Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada 1st Edition, Shannon E Perry, ISBN: 9781926648286


Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada 1st Edition Perry TEST BANK

Test Bank for Maternal Child Nursing Care in Canada 1st Edition, Shannon E Perry, ISBN: 9781926648262, ISBN: 9781927406359, ISBN: 9781926648279, ISBN-10: 1926648285, ISBN-13: 9781926648286

Table of Contents
Unit 1: Introduction to Perinatal Nursing
Contemporary Perinatal Nursing in Canada
The Family and Culture
Community Care

Unit 2: Women’s Health
Health Promotion
Health Assessment
Reproductive Health
Infertility, Contraception, and Abortion

Unit 3: Pregnancy
Preconception, Genetics, Conception, and Fetal Development
Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy
Nursing Care During Pregnancy
Maternal and Fetal Nutrition
Pregnancy Risk Factors and Assessment: Maternal and Fetal
Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Conditions
Pregnancy at Risk: Preexisting Conditions

Unit 4: Childbirth
Labour and Birth Processes
Comfort Measures for Labour
Fetal Health Surveillance During Labour
Nursing Care During Labour and Birth
Labour and Birth at Risk

Unit 5: Postpartum Period
Maternal Physiological Changes
Nursing Care During the Fourth Trimester
Transition to Parenthood
Postpartum Complications

Unit 6: Newborn
Physiological Adaptations of the Newborn
Nursing Care of the Newborn
Newborn Nutrition and Feeding
Infants with Gestational Age-Related Problems
The Newborn at Risk: Acquired and Congenital Problems

Unit 7: Children, Their Families, and the Nurse
Contemporary Pediatric Nursing
Community-Based Nursing Care of the Child and Family
Family Influences on Child Health Promotion
Social, Cultural, and Religious Influences on Child Health Promotion
Developmental Influences on Child Health Promotion

Unit 8: Assessment of the Child and Family
Communication, History, Physical, and Developmental Assessment
Pain Assessment and Management

Unit 9: Health Promotion and Special Health Problems
The Infant and Family
The Toddler and Family
The Preschooler and Family
The School-Age Child and Family
The Adolescent and Family

Unit 10: Special Needs, Illness, and Hospitalization
Chronic Illness, Disability, and End-of-Life Care
Cognitive and Sensory Impairment
Family-Centred Home Care
Reaction to Illness and Hospitalization
Pediatric Variations of Nursing Interventions

Unit 11: Health Problems of Children
Respiratory Dysfunction
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Cardiovascular Dysfunction
Hematological and Immunological Dysfunction
Genitourinary Dysfunction
Cerebral Dysfunction
Endocrine Dysfunction
Integumentary Dysfunction
Musculoskeletal or Articular Dysfunction
Neuromuscular or Muscular Dysfunction